CDIO Implementation Experience for the Masters Training at SUAI

Reference Text
Proceedings of the 12th International CDIO Conference, Turku, Finland, June 12-16 2016

This article will give an overview of the work, that was done at SUAI after the joining the CDIO Community at 2014. Firstly the paper will describe the way that we chose – how to implement the CDIO in university with small steps: from the idea to the real CDIO implementation. We will give an impression of a real experience that could help CDIO Community newcomers to implement CDIO Standards. We’ll describe how we interested students and teachers to try CDIO, how we are moving to the new education scheme. Also the paper would describe two important parts of CDIO implementation. The first one is increasing of the skills assessment quality. We will overview the new knowledge assessment way that we started to use at the lectures and laboratory practical works. We’ll describe how we moved from the old assessment system, when we had just an exam in the end of the semester, to the new 100-scale overall assessment system, that consists of a number of tests, interviews, question-answer sections and so on. The second part would be about implementation of CDIO projects for the masters that we started for the 5th and 6th year students. We describe as a use case a joint project, where the older and more experienced students are project leaders and the younger students are competent members of the project team. We will overview the first interesting and successful projects that we ran with the supervising from the Russian space industry and specialists from our department. We will show the results and also shortly give the opinions and comments of the students, teachers and industry representatives that participated the project.

Proceedings of the 12th International CDIO Conference, Turku, Finland, June 12-16 2016

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