The Innovation Element of the Diploma (B.Eng.) Programs at DTU

Reference Text
Proceedings of the 12th International CDIO Conference, Turku, Finland, June 12-16 2016

In September 2014 the first version of the new developed CDIO-based diploma (B.Eng) programs were launched at DTU. The programs are the result of a comprehensive merger process of former diploma programs, namely the programs at Engineering College of Copenhagen (now DTU Diploma) and the Technical University of Denmark. All B.Eng. programs follow a common structure: On the first four semesters, all courses are compulsory. With some variation, this is followed by a semester with elective courses, a semester with industry internship and a semester with the final B.Eng. thesis. Each semester consists of a lecture period (13 weeks) and a lab-period (three weeks).

On the first four semesters, the projects are design-build projects. The projects are attached to a 10-ECTS-point course with contributions from one or more supporting courses. Typically these projects ranges from simple design-build projects focusing entirely on the “DI” part of CDIO to stand alone projects where all elements i CDIO come into play. The projects not only provide the students technical knowledge but also introduce train the students personal- and interpersonal skills.

The most significant new activity in the programs is the introduction of a common 10 ECTS compulsory course in Innovation in the later part of the programmes. The idea behind this course is to give students the opportunity to collaborate on inter- disciplinary real-life projects. This course strengthens not only innovation skills but personal and interpersonal skills as well. The course is run as a blended learning course with use of e-learning, peer grading and peer feedback. This to optimise the time the students have, to work together in teams (one full day a week). It uses the concepts in active learning where the students train interdisciplinary and innovation competencies through the project work. Advances in innovation pedagogics demands that the teacher role changes to facilitator, focusing just as much on the process of the teams as the outcome of the project work. The shift in teacher role calls for a preparatory course to train teachers in the new concept. The projects take a starting point in actual needs experienced in the partner companies, they are then reformulated as open-ended projects and explored holistically by getting out of the building involving users, customers, stakeholders etc.The team then narrows in on a problem and after adjusting expectations with the company, work towards a corresponding solution and work on creating prototypes or mock-ups of this in the labs. The implement-operate part of CDIO is addressed by the business approach to the solutions. The students cannot make generic technological solutions but have to spend time analyze the company they work with and address in an innovation proposal and a pitch why this particular solution makes sense for their partner company from a business, society, organizational, operational and technological perspective.

In this paper we vill discuss the organization of the Innovation Pilot activity. In particular we focus on: - Structure of programmes - Organization of the Innovation Pilot activity - The didactical considerations - Scaling up the course from 40-500 students

KEYWORDS CDIO-based study programs, Stakeholder involvement, Innovation , Standards: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11

Proceedings of the 12th International CDIO Conference, Turku, Finland, June 12-16 2016

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