New Pedagogical Approaches in Mechanics Yield Increased Understanding and Learning Outcomes

Reference Text
Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014

This paper presents the use of learner-centred educational strategies to enhance the student learning experience and outcomes in a Mechanics module incorporating topics from engineering statics and dynamics. The specific pedagogical activities used include a variety of active learning methods (e.g., emphasizing learning outcomes, muddy cards, concept questions, hands-on activities and metacognition). An evaluation of the impact of the overall approach of using these active learning methods, based upon student’s responses, is presented.

The method used to assess student learning outcomes was the pre- and post- self-reported attitude surveys conducted during the 2012/13 academic session. These surveys were administered using the Blackboard Learning System’s Survey Manager to measure the effectiveness of the new active learning approaches and the extent to which each student achieves specified learning outcomes. The survey results would help students to reflect and develop a sense of themselves as learners and future engineers. The results would also help them to see more clearly the connections among the concepts they had learned, as well as the applications of these concepts to new situations.

On average, 82% of the 40 students agreed or strongly agreed that the module learning outcomes were perceived to have been achieved after the deliberate emphasis of them during lessons. This is an increase of 36% over the pre-survey result of 46% and supports the approach taken in terms of positively influencing student understanding and learning outcomes.

Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014

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