Cross Disciplinary Projects - A cooperation between Linköping University, Demola East Sweden and the surrounding society

Reference Text
Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China, June 8-11 2015

between university students and companies, either locally or internationally The network consists of various partners including universities; faculties, researcher as well as students but also of both local and international companies, and different types of agencies. The co-creative concept aims to solve real challenges where the outcome can be a new concept, a demo, or a prototype. If the partner company finds the outcome useful, the company can license or purchase the outcome, and take it for further development. The framework makes is easy for partners to come in and cooperate. Each partner has a clear role, and the work is guided by simple procedures. Contracts, intellectual property rights, licensing models, and other legal requirements are in place and meet international business standards and practices. At Linköping University the Demola concept is implemented through the course Cross Disciplinary Projects which also is designed to meet the demands expressed in the CDIO Syllabus. What makes this course unique and different from other project courses is that students from the Faculty of Arts and Science, The Institute of Technology and Faculty of Health Sciences are working together in one course towards the same goal. The students are participating in development work in order to creatively and independently contribute with expertise from their different areas and therefore the course is open only to those who are at the end of their studies.

The course is conducted in the form of an independent cross disciplinary project where. The data is externally specified from companies or other interested parties who wish to have an idea developed or a problem solved. In addition some lectures are given, for instance in applied ethics and inter professional communication.

Upon completion of the course the student is expected to have acquired knowledge and understanding concerning how to independently work on issues related to the knowledge and skills previously acquired in education. The course also aims to enforce their capabilities and competences regarding communication with representatives of other professions since they are expected to demonstrate ability to team work and close collaboration with other professions.

Demola is now listed by OECD and Worldbank as a best practice for innovation policy-makers globally.

Keywords: Demola, cross disciplinary, innovation, cooperation

Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China, June 8-11 2015

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