Advanced Workshop for pedagogical professionals on supporting CDIO development


Title Advanced Workshop for pedagogical professionals on supporting CDIO development Leaders The members of the CDIO Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Theme group have extensive experience in developing and implementing pedagogical improvement programs and centres. They will be involved in planning and conducting the workshop. Goals This advanced workshop is intended to: (1) bring together pedagogical professionals who are associated with CDIO engineering education reform efforts, (2) serve as a forum for sharing experiences regarding pedagogical improvement, and (3) provide a means for ongoing collaboration through the CDIO Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Theme group Learning outcomes Participants will: (1) gain knowledge and skills related to the adoption of the CDIO through a planned change process; and (2) learn how to create plans for enhancing teaching, learning, and assessment in local CDIO engineering education programs. Workshop Agenda Introduction (10 minutes): Overview of workshop and introduction of leaders and participants (this will be done by having groups of three introduce themselves to each other and then introduce their team members to the larger group) Think-Pare-Share Exercise (20 minutes): Each participant will identify local impediments to pedagogical improvement. They will share their thinking with one-or two partners and together they will come up with a more general list which will then be shared with the whole group to develop a master list of impediments Case studies of pedagogical support centres and programs (30 minutes): workshop leaders and selected participants with extensive experience in pedagogical improvement will lead the discussion of ways to organize improvement efforts; Environmental scan and planning for improvement (30 minutes): Participant will begin the process of planned change regarding the adoption of CDIO as an innovation. They will be provided with worksheets to help them, first, identify their institutions’ level of readiness to adopt the CDIO approach to teaching, learning and assessment (i.e., standards) and, second, develop plans for pedagogical improvement relevant to local CDIO engineering education contexts based on the principles of good teaching, learning, and assessment. Take aways: Practical materials and references for further exploration and development; Introduction of the CDIO Teaching, Learning, and Assessment theme group as a “learning community” to share ideas and help solve pedagogical problems after the conference.