Melanie Samson, CEO
- Initiated and co-founded IIEI – Israel Institute for Empowering Ingenuity together with Prof. Yoram Reich, a non-profit, public-benefit company founded in 2012 to drive wide-scale innovation in engineering education on a national scale.
- Initiated and led the development of “B.Sc. Mech. Eng.– Product Design” program for SCE-Shamoon College of Engineering (2003-2013).
- Engaged in the planning and execution of pioneering reforms in engineering education in Israeli academia and schools on a national level, based on the CDIO Framework Model and insights from Israeli initiatives and context.
- Presently developing new learning processes and tools that foster ingenuity, based on Leonardo Da Vinci’s transdisciplinary abilities and the deciphering of underlying design codes in multiple engineering and design disciplines.
- Entrepreneur and experienced developer of multidisciplinary engineering programs in academia since 2003.
- Experienced and skilled in the development and teaching of multidisciplinary PBL engineering courses that develop higher-level thinking skills (including creativity), personal and professional skills since 2007.
- Experienced and skilled in teacher-training development in innovative pedagogy since 2007.
- Qualified and experienced professional architect (degree from Technion, Israel Institute of Technology).
Interests: promotion and infusion of of transdiciplinary innovation in engineering education in academia and schools, development of transdisciplinary engineering programs aligned to international standards, development of innovative pedagogical methods, creative learning processes and models integrating new online learning technologies and interactive digital platforms.
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