Full name:
Lars Døvling Andersen
Postal address:
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Aalborg University
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7G
9220 Aalborg, Denmark
Personel data:
Born 1950 in Denmark, Danish citizen. Married, two adult children.
Current posistion:
Professor in Mathematics, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Science
Academic degrees:
M.Sc. (Cand.scient.) 1975 from Aarhus University. Major subject mathematics, minor subjects physics and computer science.
Ph.D. 1979 in mathematics from the University of Reading, UK.
Professional career:
Niels Bohr Fellow, Århus and Aalborg Universities 1984-86 (fellowship awarded by the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters)
Associate Professor, Aalborg University 1986-90
Reader, Aalborg University 1990-96
Professor, Aalborg University since 1996
Positions of trust:
Head of Department of Mathematical Sciences 1996-1998
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Science since 1998
Managing editor of The Journal of Graph Theory 1994-98
Member of the Committee for Developing Countries formed by the European Mathematical Society since 2002