After António Costa graduated in 1985, he became a researcher in INESC-Norte, the northern branch of a Portuguese private institute devoted to R&D on engineering systems and computers. During his stay in INESC-Norte and later INESC-Porto, he did mainly research and development on computer graphics hardware and software. In 1990, along with another fellow researcher, he received a creativity award for developing a high quality black/white graphics board powered by one of the first dedicated graphics processors (Texas Instruments TMS340XX). Between 1991 and 1995, he was responsible for INESC's participation in an European R&D project (in the scope of the Esprit Program with Siemens, Bull, etc) about geographic information systems, long before the internet and web explosive growth. During his PhD research work between 1996 and 1999, he published several papers about a novel and versatile lighting design approach in realistic 3D spaces subject to physical and user-defined constraints.
In 1990, he started lecturing in the Informatics Engineering Department of ISEP. Since 2001 he was Head of the ISEP's Informatics Engineering degree (2002-08) and Vice-President of ISEP's Scientific Council (2008-09). Since 2007 he is a CDIO mentor and in 2011 he became ACM Senior Member.
He currently is the accreditation/certification coordinator for all ISEP degree programs (BSc and MSc), both for national accreditation and the EUR-ACE certification. Since 2015 he is also an ABET Program Evaluator in the area of Information Technology.
LinkedIn page: http://pt.linkedin.com/in/amccosta