Self-directed learning (SDL) is a higher order competency that requires simultaneous development of a myriad of interrelated technical and generic skills, knowledge and attitude. The Diploma in Chemical Engineering (DCHE) from Singapore Polytechnic (SP) used the CDIO Framework to integrate development of SDL competency into its 3-year curriculum. Explicit teaching of SDL based on the SDL Model developed by SP was done in Year 1. SDL learning tasks were purposefully integrated throughout the curriculum to enable students to develop SDL with other core skills and domain knowledge needed. While we considered the integration effort to be generally successful from findings of the 3-year longitudinal study of the Academic Year (AY) 2018 cohort, we noted a disparate level of SDL readiness amongst students. Evidence of SDL transferability was seen as students progress from Year 1 to Year 3, although some students still faced challenges using SDL in Year 3. Most students surveyed in Year 3 displayed behaviour analogous to a selfdirected learner during their final year capstone projects, and used SDL when they worked on their internship projects. The literature shows teachers can positively impact student learning and engagement through behaviour modelling where thought processes are verbalised hence made visible so they can be imitated by students. This paper shares the approach taken to further improve development of SDL competency through introduction of teacher modelling in a Year 1 practical-based module. In this pilot study, the teacher models how a self-directed learner approaches learning tasks in an integrated learning session. Students then use the same approach to complete similar learning tasks in subsequent session. Survey findings showed teaching modelling was useful and improved students’ understanding of how SDL can be applied and most students were able to use the same approach in the second session. From qualitative responses collected, some students seemed unable to understand how to apply SDL and needed more guidance, indicating inconsistent development of self-directedness. More than half the students seem unable to manage the negative emotions that appear upon encountering challenges. The paper concludes by sharing future works to improve the teaching of SDL in DCHE students.

Authors (New): 
Yunyi WONG
Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore
Self-directed Learning
Chemical Engineering
CDIO Standard 7
CDIO Standard 8
CDIO Standard 9
CDIO Standard 10
CDIO Standard 11
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