Video MicroLectures: Simple to Make; Valued by Students

Reference Text
Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014

A MicroLecture is a short video on an important element in a subject area, a format inspired by the work of Salman Khan at and others. In 2012, MicroLectures in fluid mechanics were developed on a just in time basis during the delivery of a first course in fluid mechanics and made generally available on YouTube. Students were surveyed at the conclusion of the course and marks compared to past instances of the course delivered by the same instructor. Students responded very positively to the videos and found them useful in their learning. Low production values did not present an obstacle. A faster pace than typical lectures and the ability to control pace / repetition were valued. Some students preferred having the course instructor delivering the video instruction rather than a stranger. Student course marks were substantially higher than in past offerings.

This work was reported with a poster at CDIO 2013. The full paper for CDIO 2014 will expand on the previous descriptions and results and update the video production and delivery process to reflect changes in this fast moving technology. Important conclusions are:

Video MicroLectures can be created in tandem with a course offering while consuming minimal resources beyond those already available to a faculty at most CDIO schools.

MicroLectures produced using this minimalist approach provide production values that the vast majority of students find “good enough”.

Delivering content through MicroLectures allows students access to material at any time and facilitates repeat viewings. This accessibility frees up normal lecture contact hours for active learning exercises.

Students find considerable value in the MicroLectures and report enhanced learning outcomes.

Student course marks show an improvement that is consistent with enhanced learning which may be due to Microlectures.

Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014

26_Paper.pdf (8.45 MB)