Using Distance Education Technologies and Strategies to Deliver CDIO Programs.


CDIO programs are rich in authentic design-implement experiences and feature active and experiential learning. For proximal delivery they use engineering workspaces that encourage hands-on learning. Thus the concept of using distance education to deliver engineering programs that satisfactorily meet the aims of the CDIO approach provides significant challenge. However over the last decade and a half there have been extensive developments in the technology and teaching methods used in distance and flexible delivery of engineering education programs. These include extensive use of on-line and computer based technologies and of media such as DVDs. These technologies have been used to deliver a range of educational outcomes including the development and reinforcement of the conceptual knowledge base, as well as skills in engineering experimentation and teamwork. Further, as the Washington Accord professional engineering bodies have switched the focus of their engineering course accreditation requirements from course content to graduate attribute outcomes, all engineering programs, including those through distance education delivery, all engineering programs have shifted much closer to the aims of CDIO. As the first stage of a program to develop distance based engineering education programs that follow the CDIO approach, the authors present a range of developments in the distance education delivery of engineering education and discuss how they can be used or adapted to support the aims of CDIO. From this, initial points of weakness in the distance delivery of CDIO programs are identified for future investigation.