Industrial employers increasingly expect engineering students to graduate from university not only having professional skills but also having key competences obtaining personal, social and methodological competencies. Typically, these expected competencies deal with teamwork, team interaction, leadership or methods for problem solving, creativity or project management. In order to transfer these industrial demands into learning objectives, the Institute of Product Development (IPEK) developed the Karlsruhe Education Model for Product Development. This model comprises three courses on different level focusing on machine elements on basic level, on machine design (methodology) on intermediate level and finally on integrated product development (processes and management) on highest level.
The machine design course is placed in the earliest phases of the curricula and is therefore a good chance and a challenge to develop key competences in all students of mechanical engineering – currently about nearly 800 Students. The course is divided into three parts comprising lectures, tutorials and workshops. Developing and training key-competences in the sence of a special coaching happens in the workshops where students form teams of five members in order to fulfil a small, but complex design task with project character. Nearly 80 collegiate tutors are supporting experienced scientists of the institute in the coaching process. According to a “Train the Trainer” – model the tutors are trained on three tailored weekend courses, containing for example how learning happens, methods to design tutorials, groupprocesses, conflict solving and the assessment of students. The in parallel running current tutorials and workshops are used as test benches accompanied by supervisions. Training and Supervision is guided by a pedagogic Institute belonging to the university. The proposal describes the “IPEK - Train the Trainer” program for collegiate tutors and how this is influencing an active learning in engineering education and the development of key-qualifications