Stefan Sjödahl, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering and Program Cluster Manager: Is since 1989 a lecturer in the area of Mechanical Engineering at The School of Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology. He has a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering and is a trained Naval Architect from Chalmers Institute of Technology. Earlier he has worked as an engineer and Naval Architect for more than a decade in the Swedish Navy and at a naval shipyard. He is currently Cluster Manager for a cluster og engineering programs at the institute. He has also been acting as Head of Department for Mechanical Engineering as well as Director of Education, Director of Studies and also as Deputy Dean at the School of Engineering. He has an extensive experience in teaching and designing educational programmes and has been acting as Program Manager for several technical educational programmes. For many years Stefan Sjödahl has worked with flexible learning and distance education, and been involved in a number of educational projects on a national level together with a variety of Swedish universities. Currently he is also a member of two national reference groups for Swedish engineering education.