Dr. Shan Qiang is professor of economic history of Soochow University(SCU) and the president of IVT(Vocational Institute of Technology, China-Singapore Industry Park,suzhou). His research interests focus on regional economic development and higher education management .
1985 Bachelor of History ,SCU
1988 Master of Modern Chinese History, SCU
1994 Ph.D of Regional Economic Development, SCU
2008 Ph.D of Economics and Management of Education ,PKU
1、Duan Ben-luo,Shan Qiang, Evolvement of Rural Jiangnan (1522--1950), JiangSCU People’s Press, 1994, pp692, Nanjing.
2、Shan Qiang , Industrlization and Social Changs , A Comparative Study Between Wuxi and Nantong ,China Commerce Press ,1997, pp373 , Beijing.
3、Shan Qiang , The Westernization Movement(Yang Wu Yun Dong), JiangSCU People’s Press,1998,pp182 , Nanjing.
4、Shan Qiang , Study on Regional Market of Yangzi Delta , The People’s Press , 1999, pp337, Beijing.
“The Huo Ying-dong Foundation Excellent Youth Teacher Award,” Ministry of Education of P.R.C,1998,BeiJing.
“JiangSu Provincial Excellent Academy Book Award,” JiangSu Province of P.R.C,1997,NanJing.
“Suzhou Excellent Academy Book Award,” SCUzhou,2001,SCUzhou.
“National Excellent Youth’s Reading Book Award,” Minstry of Press of P.R.C,2001,BeiJing.
“JiangSu Provincial Excellent Youth Award”, JiangSu Province of P.R.C,1997,NanJing.