Architect, PhD.
- Architect by the School of Architecture in Madrid and PhD in Architecture, Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Professor at the Agroforestry Engineering Department – Construction Unit, UPM.
- Director of the Research group “Sustainability in Construction and Industry”, giSCI-UPM. Member of the group of Educational Innovation in “Electrical Technologies and Automation in Rural Engineering”, UPM.
- Coordinator of the Master Programme in Energy Efficiency in building construction, industry and transport, UPM.
- Member of the “Spanish Habitat Committee” and the “Best Practices” WG (Ministry of Development). Representative of the UPM in the Committee of Experts for the evaluation of technical approvals documents (DIT) about non-traditional materials and construction procedures from the Eduardo Torroja’s Institute (CSIC).
- Expert at the area of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the National Evaluation and Foresight Agency (ANEP) and other Regional Agencies. Evaluator of the "Grant Review Committee of the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research" in the area of Sustainable Construction.
- Evaluator of I+D+i projects from ACIE and member of its scientific committee. Evaluator of I+D+i projects from EQA; DNV GL BUSINESS ASSURANCE and certification I+D.
- Expert at the Standardization Committees of ISO and CEN in the field of Sustainability in Construction. Member at national standardization and certification committees (AENOR) related to Sustainability and R&D.