Aldert Kamp was the Co-director of the CDIO Initiative since 2017, also in his role of Director of Education at TU Delft, the Netherlands. He has been deeply involved in the rethinking of higher engineering education with a horizon of 2030 and beyond. More than 20 years of industrial experience in space systems engineering, more than 18 years of academic teaching, educational management and leadership, and an in-depth study of trends in society, science, technology and engineering, and higher engineering education, have made him a thought-leader in future engineering education. He is the author of the thought-provoking reports Engineering Education in a Rapidly Changing World - Rethinking the Vision for Higher Engineering Education (2016) and Navigating the Landscape of Higher Engineering Education - Coping with decades of accelerating change ahead (2020). From 2014 till 2020 he was a Co-leader of the Dutch 4TU Centre of Engineering Education (4TU.CEE) that experiments and innovates in higher engineering education. Since July 2020 he is self-employed in his one-person Aldert Kamp Advies business (www.aldertkamp.nl).
Member of CDIO since 2011, CDIO Council member 2013-2022, CDIO Co-director 2017-2022
Main CDIO activities: (re-)activating the CDIO community and rethinking the future of CDIO: paper 2021 "CDIO, Can we continue the way we are?"