The Effect and Evaluation of Active Learning and creative teaching in Micro-Credit Course Modules

The Effect and Evaluation of Active Learning and creative teaching in Micro-Credit Course Modules

S. Chen, B. Jai, W. Hsu (2018).  The Effect and Evaluation of Active Learning and creative teaching in Micro-Credit Course Modules. 12.

With the development of information technology as well as the constant expansion of knowledge scope, people’s learning needs have also increased continuously, such as the development of technology and knowledge of robot, 3D printing technology, Internet of things, intelligent life, etc. Besides, the life cycle in the field of professional skill becomes increasingly shorter. How to encourage students to learn independently and provide the relationship between effective active learning model and interdisciplinary integration links has become the topic we must consider and challenge presently. In order to improve the situation, we combine the micro-credit mechanism and course design with the standard 3,8 of a CDIO program, The micro-credit course can provide various course modules with concept of 18 hours learning as 1 credit is used to consider taking 9 hours learning as 0.5 credit and even 0.1 or 0.2 credit corresponded to the proportion of learning hours. Thus, it is necessary to master the following 5 principles to take the course (1) introduction to theory and knowledge system; (2) practical case sharing and experience analysis; (3) implementation (grouping or personal operating); (4) report or publication; (5) lecturer’s comment and appraisal. This research aims to know how to make up the shortfall of special course and improve the aesthetic educational ability of student in this school, so as to give play to the efficiency of interdisciplinary integration. According to the research results, the thinking on the basis of social care enables students to enter the actual project of interdisciplinary learning rapidly and meanwhile the micro-credit course mechanism is used to import the problem-oriented interdisciplinary implementation stage show constituted by “creative thinking strategy” and “design aesthetics”. In terms of its scale, 7 special courses, 10 teachers and at least 200 students are involved and it is supplemented by the operational model of series of micro-credit course, so as to give play to the efficiency of CDIO creative teaching model, change the traditional teaching method and course mechanism and intensify students’ problem-solving ability and interest in autonomous learning.

Authors (New): 
Shu-hui Chen
Ben-ray Jai
Wei-chieh Hsu
Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Creative teaching model
Active learning
design aesthetics
interdisciplinary integration
CDIO Standard 3
CDIO Standard 8
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